This Quarter In Promulgating IBC
Jul 20, 2023
Jonathan Berger

In Q2, Strangelove brought senior technical staff (including CTO, CEO, and senior-level engineers) to discussions around spreading IBC to the following chains, ecosystems, and organizations including Agoric, Berachain, Burnt, Duality, Dydx, Noble, Penumbra, Sei, and Stride.
In Q2 we shipped or advised on software like Relayer, Packet-Forward Middleware, IBC-Apps, Interchaintest, Cosmos-SDK, Horcrux, Heighliner, Cosmos Operator, Graz, Voyager Portal and more. Huge thanks to everyone who shipped code and product this quarter with Strangelove to push Cosmos and IBC forward: @Andrew Gouin, @Andy Pliszka, @Blake Denniston, @Christopher Angelo, @Dan Bryan, @Dan Kanefsky, @David Nix, @Diana Wattanapongsakorn, @Griko Nibras, @Jack Zampolin, @Jehnesa Herdsman, @Joe Abbey, @John Letey, @Joshua Manuputty, @Justin Tieri, @Kyle Moser, @Mark Rushakoff, @Nitronit, @Nour Wolf, @Nur Fikri, @Steve Miskovetz, @Tyler Schmidt, @vimystic, and @Xander Low.
It takes more that just shipping product (which we do a ton of as well!) to promulgate IBC. Long before the work starts, lots of conversation is necessary: both persuasion that IBC is worth investing in, and deliberation about how best to architect any particular implementation. We've led or participated in technical discussions about Consensus engines (CometBFT with Informal, and Binary Builders and Regen team and the rest of the CosmosSDK-team), IBC Composability (ICF, Skip, Jump, Squid, Stride), Non-standard IBC Light Clients (Binance, Algorand, Avalanche), Rollups (Celestia), and Routers (Polymer, Hyperlane).
We're bullish on the future can't wait to see—and help build—what's in store for Cosmos and IBC!